Leagues & Tournaments
Leagues & Tournaments Capture
the Spirit of Competition
Onesource Amusements offers new equipment with the latest software updates, so you have the best equipment in your location.
That’s where leagues come in. Leagues bring a business more money, especially during traditionally slow periods. OneSource can help you get started by offering you the right equipment and introducing you to the right leagues.
If you're interested in running or joining a league, please email info@onesourceamusements.com and let him know the zip code of the area that you would like to work. Besides helping your location set up in-house leagues, we run leagues/events on the equipment listed below.

Golden Tee Video Golf

With Onesource Amusements some of our players play for free!
Please follow us on Facebook at Onesource Amusements LLC to see our most up-to-date events.
We run a “Player Loyalty Reward Program” each month for those players that play multiple games each month with the following guidelines:
Play 50 – 99 Games Receive $1 Per Game Player Card
Play 100 – 199 Games Receive $1.25 Per Game Play Card
Play Over 200 Games Receive $1.50 Per Game Play Card
Player cards are based on the summary information sent to us by Incredible Technologies and the turnaround time on the cards generally is 2 weeks after the end of the month.
Once a quarter, we run an event at one of our locations to see how our best players are in the state. These are cash payouts and can vary depending on location and turnout.

Pool Leagues
VNEA – Valley National Eight Ball Association
Onesource Amusements is a proud sponsor of VNEA in the state of Texas. We have several hundred players in the Houston area and would like to expand those numbers across the state. If you are interested in joining a pool league or running a pool league, please email info@onesourceamusements.com with your zip code to let us know how you would like to participate.
The VNEA began in 1979 to promote the game of pool and has nearly 100,000 players at over 10,000 venues across the United States and 8 other countries. Be a part of this great tradition.
Our leagues usually start in September and culminate in a championship in Las Vegas sponsored by the VNEA. The Las Vegas event allows players of all skill levels to play for over $600,000 in cash prizes. Over 5,000 players and their families enjoy this event every year and can’t wait to come back to play on over 250 Valley pool tables.
We play many formats including Scotch Doubles, Women and Men 8 and 9 Ball Divisions, Single as well as Team Play, Coed with a very simple Handicap System. All weekly fees are paid back to the players.
Please visit the VNEA website at www.vnea.com for further details.

Dart Leagues
NDA - National Darts Association

Contact info@onesourceamusements.com to find help or to start a league in your area. Please indicate the zip code of the area that you are willing to help participate in league activity.
We are already putting together teams across Texas for the annual April Event. We need to have more teams signed up and ready to begin so we can begin our leagues in May.
Consult the “Team Captain Book” at www.ndadarts.com for a complete list of all rules for the upcoming year. At a minimum in order to compete in the more than $500,000 in cash prizes in Las Vegas, you must:
1. Be sanctioned by the NDA for the current membership year and play in leagues run by an NDA Charter Holder in good standing and in compliance with all league– sanctioning guidelines. Compete during regular league play on qualified machines owned and operated by an NDA charter holder.
2. Have played a minimum of 96 league games between May 10, 2019- February 10 of the current fiscal year. Qualifying games must be obtained in no less than eight (8) separate weeks of league play.
3. Have a NDA player– skill rating using the Points Per Dart (PPD) and/ or Marks Per Round (MPR) performance rating system for the event in which they are entered, to be classified.
Want more details? Please contact our NDA and American Dart Association partners for additional information in your area.
San Antonio – Rob Davis – 850-974-9849
Houston – Stephen Green – 832-506-9511
Austin and DFW – info@onesourceamusements.com
Anywhere else - info@onesourceamusements.com